Friday 28 November 2008

Preliminary film task is on mac 14

Thursday 27 November 2008

Evaluation of my project.

  • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
    The project has all the film conventions in that the task asked for. Starting of the match on action, when character A, opens the door. Then into the 180 degree rule when the character A sit next to character B and then on into the shot reverse shot. All of these conventions are shown well and clear. I believe the shot/ reverse shot could have been improved on due to the camera being not that close to the character who is listening. This kind of draws attention away from the film. However the match on action is a good example and 180 degree rule is recognised through out the film as character A is always on the right and Character B is always on the left. This is shown very clearly.
  • How does your media product represent particular social groups?
    The media group that my product represents is for a young age to demonstrate different camera shots and conventions used for filming. My product would come across as boring and uninteresting to the older generations of 21 plus. This is way my film is in the niche market of young people demonstrating uses of film conventions and editing.
  • What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
    The type of media institution that would distribute is for other schools and colleges that teach media and learning film conventions and editing. My product is to be used to show good examples of match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. I could advertise my film over the internet, saying it is a good example of film conventions, easily recognising each of the shots.
  • Who would be the audience for your media product?
    The audience that would watch my product would be young people both male and female and media teachers at schools and colleges that teach film techniques and conventions in media studies.
  • How did you attract/address your audience?
    My project attracts the audience by telling a simple story line that involves all the film conventions with in it. With up beat music playing in the background and a title page to start and end the film production is just couple of ways of how the audience will be attracted.
  • What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
    This filming and editing of the my film project has taught myself many topics about how Imovie programme works, the different film conventions and how film editing takes place to be put all together to make a film. This project gave me an small insight of what it takes to make a film as every film being produced are using most of the topics that I uses in my film. Such as different camera shots such as a master shot or extreme close up, how they moved the camera, crane shot or dolly and an insight about editing the film and the effects that you can do with all this put together.

Story Script of my project

Target Audience Questionaire

Monday 17 November 2008

Analysis of Lethal Weapons 4 Script:

In this film where the two guys walk down the hall way and walks into their bosses office, where conversation starts and they get promoted.
The scence starts of again with the match on action, where you see the guys push the door open, but the next scene from inside the office, you see the two guys come through, completing the match on action scene.
The captian who is the boss, is always on the left where the two guys are always on the right. This agrees with the 180 degree rule. The shot/reverse shot, happens when the two guys sit down and where the captian starts of the conversation, camera shot switches round to capture the two guys speaking. This shot is normally taken over the shoulder of the person who is listening and this completes the shot reverse shot.

Analysis of The Terminator 2 Script:

The scene where The Terminator enters the weapons store and has a conversation with the weapon’s assistance is what is on the script. Although they don’t sit down, it fits the criteria having all the film editing guidelines.
Match on action at the start, where there is a long shot of the Terminator walking up to the door and the next shot is inside the weapons shop where you see the terminator entering the building in a full shot.
Then the 180 degree rule happens, when the terminator walks up to the counter, terminator is always on the left and the assistance is always on the right. The shot/reverse shot, happens as soon as the terminator finishes his sentence. The shot reverses and films the assistance speaking and carries on for the rest of the conversation until The Terminator shots the assistance.

Analysis of The Matrix Script:

In the scene where Neo meets Morpheous, Trinity and Neo walk through the door and Neo takes a seat and has a conversation, which is a similar scene of what is need for the project.
Trinity and Neo approach the door in a medium close up shot; Trinity goes to open the door. Next, when Trinity and Neo walk through the door, this completes the match on action shot.
The 180° rule happens through out frames, neo is always on the right and Morpheous is always on the left. With that, the shot/reverse shot happens when Morpheous and Neo has the conversation sitting down.

Friday 14 November 2008

Film Editing Guidelines

180 degree rule

The 180° rule is where the charecters in every shot should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. However, If the camera passes over the imaginary axis, it is called crossing the line. The new shot, from the opposite side, is known as a reverse angle.

Match on Action

Match on action is where an action is started in the first shot followed by the second shot where the action is completed. For example, an arrow is fired and the next shot is the arrow on the target.

Shot/Reverse Shot

Usually in a conversation situation, the shots are changed in alternate views of the different characters.
In This type of editing, characters in the frame usually looks left, in the other framing looks right. For example looking over the shoulder are common in shot/reverse-shot editing.

Target Audience

The targeting of a certain audience for a film, many thoughts have to be taking into account.
Gender-male/female, Genre conventions-Comedy , westerns, action etc, The age group that are going to watch it -eg teenagers and of which class the audience is in, such as Class-A-B-C1 or C2-D-E.
The film is going to be made for teenagers, to clearly demostrate these film conventions, -
match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule. the generic conventions are going to be an action short film and set in present day.

The Film Project

The film project is inteneded to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, where she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.
The short film should also match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.